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The MyApproach App is the first of its kind. It’s a baseball scoring-app for the individual player. For each at-bat, identify pitch types, pitch locations, outcomes, and more. Track your counting stats like batting average, home runs, and walks. Dive into heat maps and advanced stats that can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and help you hone your approach. Play on multiple teams? Keep all your stats in one place. The MyApproach App is just for you. Keep your stats. Own your APPROACH.
MyApproach App is a tool that allows a player to keep track of stats and gather insights from every at-bat they take all year. The app is a centralized location to keep stats from high school baseball, travel baseball, showcases, camps, or wherever else they may take a competitive at-bat.
Do you want to know what pitches you do damage on? and in what counts? and in what parts of the strikezone? Leverage the power of the MyApproach App heat maps and advanced stats to know your strengths and weaknesses at the plate. Utilize MyApproach App to identify areas for improvement and to hone in-game APPROACH.
MyApproach App provides a spectator-mode for coaches to track and follow the stats of their players 365 days a year. Most high school players play for multiple teams and coaches over the course of the calendar year. MyApproach App provides centralized information. This enables them to plan development strategies and assess player trends no matter what time of year it is.
All your players, all their stats, all in one place. Check out our free Coaches Dashboard and start adding your players to track, right now.
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