"My whole baseball career up until college, my dad would log nearly every pitch in spreadsheets and keep all of my stats. He would have used [MyApproach App] for years. It's a no-brainer. Every parent with a son that plays baseball that wants to get better should have this."

"The learning curve [MyApproach App] creates for the player is massive. Viewing an at-bat from outside of the batter's box is way different than viewing an at-bat from in the box. This will help bring awareness to the player. I love this app for what it gives to the player. [MyApproach App] will be massive in Division III college baseball."

"Swing approach is key to being a great hitter. [MyApproach App] heightens a player's awareness of their game at-bats; builds great training habits by allowing the hitter to review their game at-bats post-game and enter key data that is compiled and stored; and by the end of the season builds an extensive narrative that helps the hitter and coach zone-in on areas for development. I remember writing this information down on paper and then entering it into a spreadsheet. This app takes a time-tested tradition, makes it simple, and ingeniously gets player buy-in and participation that will lead to growth, learning, and heighten awareness of their swing approach."

"The [MyApproach] app takes the old school concept of journaling about at bats and brings it into the digital age with the additional capability to build a big picture view for an overall approach."

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
